11 January 2009

When the going gets tough, NephilimFree BLOCKS you from making comments on his videos.

I woke up today (Sunday January 11th) and watched a few new videos from channels I subscribe to on YouTube. One of the videos was from NephilimFree and titled "Evolution Quickshot - Speciation"

Now although NephilimFree was one of the first people I subscribed to when joining YouTube and I've watched many of his videos, I've never felt the need to comment on anything he has posted, until today.

Before even getting through all ten minutes of his video I made a couple of comments...

Starting your video, NephilimFree, by quote mining invalidates the rest of your claim.

For everyone wondering the video was taken from Kent Hovind's "Debate #8 - Wayne State University" and if you watch the rest of what Dr. Moore was saying from that debate you will find out why the rest of what NephilimFree says is completely incorrect.

Sad attempt at deception NF!


A salamander and a Gila Monster are both lizards??? That is the first time I have ever heard anyone call a group of AMPHIBIANS, the Order Caudata, a reptile.

Your whole video seems to be nothing more than an argument from incredulity.

After watching the video all the way through I posted two more comments...

NephilimFree, you should really do some basic research before making a comment or video so you don't remove all doubt of your ignorance.

Point of Fact - Phylum Porifera existed in the Ediacaran and chemical markers push their existence back even older.
Phylum Placozoa dated to the Ediacarian with the fossil Dickinsonia as an example.
Phylum Cnidaria dates to at least the Ediacaran.
The origin of Phyla Annelida and/or Arthropoda can placed in the Ediacarian by Spriggina fossils.




Phylum Mollusca can be pushed back to the Ediacaran with the fossil Kimberella.

AND then comes the fact that MANY, to many to mention here, Phyla come into existence AFTER the Cambrian including most Phyla of plants.
So it is completely FALSE that "...all phylum (sic) and body plans of life came to be at once." in the Cambrian Explosion.

Also how is a KIND defined in a way that a taxonomist or evolutionary biologists could understand? What animals/plants are in the same kind??

I was hoping that NephilimFree would give his reasons for making such inaccurate statements for why he thinks that salamanders are LIZARDS and when Phyla are known to appear in the fossil record, but instead he blocked me from being able to make any further comments.

At the same time he made the following scientifically inaccurate assertions (my comments are in quotations)...

"Phylum Mollusca can be pushed back to the Ediacaran with the fossil Kimberella."

We do not observe new morphological feautes [sic] arise(ing?) in mollusk fossils.

"Phyla come into existence AFTER the Cambrian including most Phyla of plants"

None. All phylum [sic] and body plans appear in the Cambrian.

Firstly we do observe "...new morphological..." FEATURES arising in mollusca after the Cambrian with the best example being the most recent molluscan: The Class Scaphopoda did not exist until the Ordovician. Besides this, new morphological features show up in mollusca throughout their history as verified by anyone researching the evolutionary changes in molluscan Orders, Families, and Genera over time.

Secondly all, I will repeat that ALL, land plant Phyla do not come into existence until after the Cambrian with the first appearing in the Ordovician. The first vascular plants do not appear until the Silurian and the most recent Phyla, the Angiosperms, do not appear until over 350 million years after the Cambrian.

Next NephilimFree said...

"Also how is a KIND defined in a way that a taxonomist or evolutionary biologists could understand?"

The closest relation to evolutionist taxonomy is family, as I stated in so many words in the video.

"What animals/plants are in the same kind??"

Do your own homework.

According to NephilimFree a “creationist KIND” is defined as a taxonomic Family. Really??? Ok if that is true then according to NephilimFree Oranatanges, Gorillias, Chimpazees, and Humans (along with all extinct homonids like Australopithecenes) are the same KIND since they all fall within the Taxonomic Family of Hominidae.
Thank you, NephilimFree, for admitting that Humans are Great Apes, now I hope you will retract the statements in your video that deny this.

I've done my homework, now do your own.

What next...

"you should really do some basic research before making a comment or video so you don't remove all doubt of your ignorance."

I know more about evolutiosm [sic] than you do obviously, since you think phylum [sic] arose after the Cambrian.

"Phylum Placozoa dated to the Ediacarian"

Radiometric dating uses a material of presumed age as the control for calibration. It is not capable of dating anything.

Since I've already proven that many Phyla postdate the Cambrian period I will skip to your a comment by you that negates EVERYTHING you have to say about the occurrence of when new morphological adaptations occur.

If you, NephilimFree, claim that radiometric dating is "...not capable of dating anything." then I don't know how you can even begin to claim that "All phylum [sic] and body plans appear in the Cambrian." since to claim this you have to rely upon radiometric dating. I guess you cannot make any claims about the ages of fossils, the origins of new morphologies, or ANYTHING relating to the geological ages of anything.

Let's continue...

"by quote mining invalidates the rest of your claim"

I quote a scientist and that invalidates something? You are totally lost in space.
Not surprising. You're an evo!

"and if you watch the rest of what Dr. Moore was saying from that debate you will find out why the rest of what NephilimFree says is completely incorrect"

Moore is as lost as you are.

You, NephilimFree, did not quote Dr. William Moore, instead you mined the beginning of a rhetorical statement in a debate and showed this in your video out of context as an introduction to your entire argument and everything you said afterwards. Your intellectual dishonesty for not posting ALL of Dr. Moore's definition/commentary on how speciation is defined in biology negates everything you claim in the rest of your video.

Since NephilimFree does not want Dr. Moore to define speciation then I suggest that everyone watches the debate. It can be found on YouTube in sections and the entire debate can also be downloaded from various sources online.

What one will find is that species, according to science, are defined in different ways and one must understand these definitions before making an agrument either for or against speciation or if speciation has occured. Since NephilimFree does not address the different definitions or any known instances of speciation then we cannot rely on his statements that it does not occur.

Next comes my favorite responce by N.F. about a statement he made in his video. Between 5:53 and 6:05 he said...

Take for example, uh, a Gila Monster and a salamander, are they the same kind? Well certainly not. They're both LIZARDS of a different kind.
I found this statement so ignorant of reality I had to ask N.F. if he really thought this was true.

"A salamander and a Gila Monster are both lizards???"

National Geographic:
ht tp : // animals . nationalgeographic . com / animals / reptiles / gila-monster . h t m l

"the venomous Gila monster (pronounced HEE-luh) is the largest lizard native to the United States."

Totally lost are we?

NephilimFree is again claiming that SALAMANDERS ARE LIZARDS.

As you can see from my comment above I said "That is the first time I have ever heard anyone call a group of AMPHIBIANS, the Order Caudata, a reptile." but instead of correcting his mistake (did you even look up Caudata NephilimFree???) or admitting that he was wrong NephilimFree gives a link about a Gila Monster.

Well to answer your rhetorical question: Yes, I think you are lost.

Caudata are an Amphibian (not Reptile, like Lizards) taxonomic Order that includes all Salamander species.

Evolutionists never cease to amaze me with thier ignorance. That's why I issued my challenge to them.

ScientiaPerceptum, you would serve yourself well to take that challenge. You would not make a goon of yourself so much if you actualy understood evolution theory and the evidences which destroy is [sic] so thoroughly.

Well NephilimFree apparently I cannot take your challenge and prove that the ignorance, about the scientific reality of Evolutionary Biology, is yours when you block me from posting any further comments on your videos.

What are you so afraid of me saying? If you allowed me, someone with an undergrad in Evolutionary Biology, to reply to your claims are you afraid that your subscribers would learn the extent of your ignorance of the facts that make up the Scientific theory of Biological Evolution or do are you afraid that you would have to apologize for your incredulous and inaccurate statements???

At this point, you, NephilimFree, have proven that like almost all creationists that your only evidence for the pseudoscience that you spew is censorship of the scientific reality.


03 January 2009

A reply too long for the YouTube Comments regarding a01011399's Jan 3rd 2008 video

On January 3rd 2008 YouTube user a01011399, a.k.a. Daniel, made a video response titled "re The word Evolution and why Hovind should never be trusted." to user k87jury which can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddtkANheDjs

The same day I responded to his comments and a mini debate began. Instead of dealing with the limited space allowed there I have moved the "debate" here.

Below is my original post followed by our "debate" in the comment section.

If you dont understand these terms (or understand the terms of a debate) then how can you even start to address any of the above topics.

In essence, you have failed before you even start.

Before you start a debate, you need to understand the terms you will be debating in their context. Next you need to stick to the rules of the debate (which means you need to stick to the topic), and last you need to supply real information instead of relying on your ignorance as an excuse.

evolution has many different meanings, that is why you have to define evolution

Wrong Daniel!!!

In science evolution has ONLY ONE MEANING and that is the point you "don't get".

In science evolution is: "The process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations (change in allele frequencies over time). Biological evolution refers to populations and not to individuals and that the changes must be passed on to the next generations."

If you, Daniel, say again that "evolution has different meanings" then you should be labled a LIAR.

Nope stellar evolution and biological evolution are 2 different things
Besides your definition for evolution sounds more like Mendel laws. Darwinian evolution is much more that just ´´change in the allele frequencies´´

´´The process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations´´
Creationists also accept that, so are you suggesting once again, that creationists and evolutionists agree?
You definition is not accurate and it is misleading, a better definition for evolution is: ´´the idea of complex organisms coming from simpler forms


yes I do undestand that, what I don´t understand is why are evolutionist making such a big deal with this

The reason that Scientists, among them Evolutionary Biologists, make "...such a big deal..." about "...this..." is that if one does not start out using the correct terminology with the correct definitions then it is USELESS to start a conversation.

It has been shown, and continues to be seen repeatedly (you, Daniel, are a perfect example), that CREATIONISTS (Anti-science advocates) build strawmen of real scientific concepts and deliberately derail discussions by misusing vocabulary.

Ok kent hovind describes the 6 different kinds of evolution, (cosmical, chemical, stellar, organic, macro and micro) and he claims that if you are going to debate you have to specify what the debate is going to be about. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with that, but you might have a different opinion, so tell me why is hovind being dishonest?

After this back and forth I wrote the following and intended to place it in the comments section, but found my comment became too long. I am hoping Daniel will reply here, but we will see where this goes now.

Again, Daniel, you are WRONG!

You do not seem to have the capability comprehend how words are used when one is talking about the SCIENTIFIC definition. Being that you have proved this as FACT based on your previous statements, I will start over and take this a little slower for you so you can work through your ignorance.

1. Words sometimes have different meanings depending on the CONTEXT in which they are used.

2. I will ONLY (AGAIN ONLY) be discussing and defining words based on their SCIENTIFIC meanings (which I’ve already done above).

3. In SCIENCE the word EVOLUTION only pertains to the field of BIOLOGY.

4. If you use the word EVOLUTION outside of the field of BIOLOGY in a SCIENTIFIC discussion then you are using it incorrectly.

5. In SCIENCE there is NO SUCH THING as cosmic, stellar, planetary, or organic evolution. Again there is NO SUCH THING in science as cosmic, stellar, planetary, or organic evolution, these DO NOT EXIST when you are using the word evolution in science.

6. IN SCIENCE when one is talking about the history of the Universe then we call that PHYSICAL COSMOLOGY which is under the SCIENTIFIC field of ASTROPHYSICS. See the word PHYSICS? Do you know the difference between PHYSICS and BIOLOGY in SCIENCE Daniel?

7. IN SCIENCE when one is talking about how Stars form and their “life cycles” we would also ask a scientist who studies ASTROPHYSICS, but one that specializes in Stars. Stars form when a giant molecular cloud undergoes gravitational collapse. To understand how stars change over time we then refer to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

8. IN SCIENCE stars and planets form from the same materials, but the model used to explain how planets occur is called the Solar Nebular Model under the field of ASTROPHYSICS again. Around a young star, a protoplanetary disk will occur and lead to the formation of planets by accretion of the surrounding nebula.

9. IN SCIENCE how the Earth has changed over time is described by fields of science called GEOLOGY and GEOPHYSICS, can you say GEOPHYSICS Daniel? See how the words GEOLOGY and PHYSICS are combined?

10. IN SCIENCE the study of how life came from non-life is called ABIOGENESIS and is contained under the field of CHEMISTRY. There are many different scientific models, theories, and hypothesis under the study of ABIOGENESIS and thousands of scientists worldwide that contribute to the scientific understanding of how inanimate matter could have formed the first living organisms.

11. IN SCIENCE, under the field of BIOLOGY we have the study of how living organisms change over time from the FIRST life until today and that is called EVOLUTION and is studied by those in the field of EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY.

12. EVOLUTIONARY THEORY in science is, again under the field of BIOLOGY, defined various ways, but they all have the same meaning. Here is definition different from my previous one above, BUT having the same meaning: “Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.”

In essence, BIOLGICAL EVOLUTION says that the changes, again CHANGES, in a populations genes determined by the interaction of that population with its environment (natural selection) can lead to the formation of unique morphology and/or behavior over time allowing for the divergence of a new isolated interbreeding population, which is different from, but related to the parent population. These genetic changes continue to add up leading to new species, genera, families, orders, and classes of organisms within a genetically nested hierarchy.

Your, Daniel, ignorance of how BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION is defined is evident in your feeble attempt to equate it with Mendelian inheritance which SAYS NOTHING about genetic changes. Mendel’s Laws only refer to the segregation of EXISTING genes and their independent assortment.

Your strawman of BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION as simple organisms giving rise to more complex ones also proves your ignorance since EVOLUTION is NOT directional since EVOLUTION only deals with POPULATIONS and not individual organisms and those populations can LOSE acquired traits and genes allowing the daughter population to be simpler then the parent population.

The main problem you, Daniel, have is that you, as a anti-science creationist, do not accept the FACT that acquired heritable changes in a population’s gene pool can lead over GREAT PERIODS of time, millions/billions of years, to changes such as an limbless and jawless aquatic vertebrate giving rise to a tetrapod land mammal and must bury your head in the sand to ignore the convergent evidence from fossils and genetic analysis.

Until you, Daniel, learn the REAL SCIENTIFIC evidence on which the FACT of BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION is based you will continue to be mislead by deceptive snake-oil charlatans who are selling lies under the guise of religion.