There are many posts at his Blog that I'll be tackling, but the first thing to remember (before your visit) is to research evidence for the brand of anti-science that Bob spouts aka Young Earth Creationism ...most of what you will read is Copied and Pasted directly from some creationist website with Bob just repeating fallacious creationist icons. Often when you read his commentaries, you start to question if he even read the article he is referring to, as repeatedly it has nothing to do with the article he copies from and/or is giving a link for you to check out .
I’ll start with Mr. Piltdown Cowboy’s blog entry from the 6th of February of this year as seen below...
The first thing to point out is that only the text in black, the top paragraph and next two sentences, are Bob's "original" contributions, with the brownish text below (almost three times the amount of his writing) all copy and pasted from the linked article. The article Bob is trying to comment on is from's "Peer Reviewed" Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal and is titled "Time Required for Sedimentation Contradicts the Evolutionary Hypothesis". Before going into Bob's "summary" of this article, I'd like to quote from the introduction from the article as the quote is a synopsis of the article as a whole.
My research has focused on empirical experiments showing how strata form, a topic about which little work has been done.
The article makes passing reference to Radiometric Dating, and instead is a critique of modern/historical theories about the process by which sedimentary rock is formed. The attacks in this article are mainly against our understanding of sedimentary rock formation are from Steno and his 17th century writings, a history of studies on the formation of sedimentary rock, and some cherry-picked papers showing how some formations form rapidly.
Getting back Bob. I have to start by asking myself "why does he not give Hovind credit since he does nothing but repeating Hovind almost word for word?"
How can I make this claim? Simple, because, unlike Bob and almost every creationist I've encountered, I back up my claims with evidence. If you have ever tried to make a count the number of factual errors, scientific misrepresentations, and outright lies about science in a single Hovind seminar, I think you would agree with me that "Seminar 4 - Lies in the Textbooks" wins hands down as you would only need to get about half way though before making the call on this point. I'll bet that Bob watches Hovind's seminars so often that he repeats Hovind without even knowing it.
Proof #1 that Bob is a Hovind parrot/plagiarist. Bob said...
One of the largest flaws in evolutionists' "logic" is the circular reasoning of the fossil record. How old is the fossil? You can tell because of the rock layers that contained it. How can you tell how old the rock layers are? Because of the fossils in them.
Which is exactly what Hovind says here.
Next Bob states that...
The so-called geologic column only exists in textbooks, not in nature.
Boy Bob that sounds familiar...oh ya, Hovind said it here.
Need I say more?
Please comment on my interpretation (as any scientist would expect), give feedback on why you support or do not support Cowboy/Bob/Piltdown Superman/Stormbringer/Sorensen, or any other comments on this post so I can look at my Performance and get Feedback for Revision as per Darwin though Baba.
Need I say more?
Please comment on my interpretation (as any scientist would expect), give feedback on why you support or do not support Cowboy/Bob/Piltdown Superman/Stormbringer/Sorensen, or any other comments on this post so I can look at my Performance and get Feedback for Revision as per Darwin though Baba.